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The UK's home of peelable, sprayable paint since 2012
SO, You wanted to know more?Not in a Starship Troopers way either! :)Well, this order was fun!
Customer ordered a lime green and a glossifier. After a while we recieved an email;
"Hi, I ordered a can of lime green paint, it's not lime green as it says on the can , it's more the colour of the car in the pic below, I have pics , do you have email I can send them to? " No pictures attached, so I'm behind already.
Get a further one with a 'contact me asap' and pics ![]() ![]() So we replied, the usual way to try to find out more info, what it was sprayed over etc. As most of you know the base colour massively effects the finished out come.
"Hi, nope, no mix up. Says lime green on label and that’s what they call it. What colour are you spraying over? The base makes a massive difference, I always use the green over the primer grey (as it says). The colours are what FullDip make them. But looks a light green to me in the pics? Hard to see shades properly in pics, but should be a pastelly light green."
Nothing harsh, just questions. The poor lighting in their pic didn't help.
Couple emails to and fro to find out more. They suggest they've received paradise green instead, but thats nothing like this colour at all. All ok so far.
Quick explanation as to what could have happened;
"The other can is paradise green and that is definitely not that. I will try one here from that batch later today / tomorrow. Mondays are a mad day with all the weekend orders to get done. Its more likely they’ve changed the colour and not told me. They’ve done that a few times over the years. The pictures on the site are just shapes sprayed from cans here and pictures taken. " Finally managed to get some tested the next day using the batch number on the can in the pic so I used the same cans.. The pic they took it was saturated and you could see it starting to run, so I tried to take in same poor lighting and while wet. Tried to offer some tips on spraying them too.
"Hi, finally had a chance to get some tested. See pics. looks fine? Looks like the pics you took as well? It will darken down a little once dries and goes matte as well (I’ll take one then too, but you took the pic wet it looked, so I did). They’ve obviously changed a the shade a little. I will update the pics, but its not a million miles away. Some they changed previously were miles out. I expected a lot different from what you were saying.
I would suggest not going so heavy. It looks like you have put too much on too soon. Seems to be running off the sides and looking at the pools on floor. Warm the can and a little lighter coats. 2 dust then the wetter ones (but not as wet as you have done)."
All explained quite well I thought.
![]() Now the rant starts, I won't bore you but endless 'advertise this' etc... then started on demanding 'compensation' etc. :) :) ![]() Now its dried, its a little darker, as I said it would be and matched the can perfectly.
I offered to refund the can as I could see this was going to go no where. No point wasting money on returns as they were never going to be happy no matter what I said or did. Life is too short to waste more time and effort on this.
They replied with "Hi, I appreciate you being fair" etc.
now the real fun starts :)
"Ok, are you for real, I order a lime green colour and you send me the colour which it was when sprayed, ITS NOT LIME GREEN !, Now you don't want my business, let's see if Facebook agrees on your LIME GREEN, .......YOU SPRAYED IT AND CANT EVEN GET IT TO MATCH THE COLOUR YOU SAY IT IS. SOCIAL MEDIA IS GREAT , OH AND BY THE WAY FALSE ADVERTISNG!! " So we ended it there. We got a phone call a few days later, kinda apologising, and asking us to sell to them. That they wished I'd told them we didn't make it or name it etc.. which we had...
Said they would remove all the comments and reviews etc and not to bother with the refund.
Anyways thats it. Its not as bad here cos I've had to be careful and redact a lot, looks quite tame actually. I won't put names or identifiable info, but its all fun and games trying to run a business... Needless to say, no point adding to the stress of it all! Small update;
Shortly after apologising and saying would removes stuff, recieved and order from a person with same surname. Similar address, only a few miles away. So I' awaiting them to review / remove comments. They could leave them if they wanted, cos it matters not to me, but don't expect me to sell more with that trash talk going on.
Anyway, next day get a call from orderer, where's my order (quite aggressive and angry already!) Wow, repeat the pattern :) :)
I said I am awaiting for more infor from xxx and he said he'd be in touch. She said 'who's this', 'never heard of them' etc. Got really angry cos I had dared to 'link' them. Anyway, to and fro and I said her them 'you are telling me you have never heard of xxx xxxx'. 'No idea who they are?'. She confirmed 100% they did not, and were nothing to do with them, and to 'just do my order!'. They were all 'offended' etc.. Anyways, maybe they shouldn't have used his paypal address and email to pay for the order... :) :) :). When I pointed this out, she had no idea HOW his information was there :) :) :).
Oh know, you musta been hacked... ;)
Strangely, a little while after, I recieved an email about removing comments :). So, as a result of all this, we have renamed the colour to light green. Just in case we get another psycho (it still says lime green on can as we don't make them). Many light greens are called lime green. But tbh, most limes I've seen real life are quite a dark green anyway. But thats what the colour on the tin was, so thats why we called it that. Throughout the world, this name and EAN are on the can and websites all the same, nothing we can do about it. We will take more pics and amend if needed. We first took these pics in 2015. Hey, its possible after all these years its slightly different. We even offered a refund to him because he was soooo unhappy and angry over it all. If something needs changing we will do it, no problem. But we need to know first. As we said to the guy, WE do not make it, WE do not name it, WE do not pick the colours. Thats it. A lot less interesting than it was at the time. You can wake up now and continue your day :) Ooh, more updates for today! Got a call apologising he got the wife to place a secret order and pretend wasn't him.
Got a bit angry when I said that I had't shipped secret order and that I reminded him that he had apologised and said he would remove all the comments and then I would work with him again. He said 'I've emailed them'. Well emailing them is a little different to removing them...
About 5 mins later got a paypal claim of 'order not recieved' saying I had not shipped and was refusing to refund... :) :) and he wonders why I don't wanna work with the angry little man.
Check this out if you wanna laugh :) :)
Was my item recieved .... No Was my item displayed on the 24 hr service I paid for...... NO DID YOU REFUSE TO SEND MY ITEM ........ YES. WHY DID YOU NOT JUST CANCELL MY ORDER AND REFUND ON THE DAY I PAID??? BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST BEING AKWARD BECAUSE I LEFT YOU BAD FEED BACK , SO WHERE AM I LYING???? JUST REFUND MY MONEY YOU CROOK . OH I DO HAVE OUR CONVERSATIONS RECORDED SAYING YOU WASNT GOING TO SEND MY ITEM SO YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST REFUNDED THEN, I THINK YOU LIKE TAKING PEOPLES MONEY BUT DONT WANT TO HEAR PEOPLES COMPLAINTS, ........ PAYPAL WHEN YOU READ THIS CAN YOU JUST STEP IN AND SORT IT AS I THINK ALAN IS NOT WILLING TO CO OPERATE AS I STILL HAVE NO REFUND THANKS PAYPAL So he records calls too :) I hope he plays it :). Was it recieved, no, he knew it wouldn't be, we were awaiting the removal of comments we agreed on. I did refuse to send and told him I would cancel and refund. He told me not to... Hardly not cooperating, he just can't make his mind up or do what he says he will do.
So, as far as I know, the latest is to refund it, which I can do no problem.
Why are dumb people so much fun lol. The more caps used the dumber they are generally lol |