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The UK's home of peelable, sprayable paint since 2012

Taster Days / open Day

All taster days takes place at our unit CB11 3GY

Click HERE to book

Come and see us. Learn all about the spray wrap industry. We are the longest running independent company in the spray wrap industry in the UK, probably Europe.

You want to earn some extra money from spray wrapping? Want to make living from it? You can. People do, we do. People have been on our courses and started their own business off our backs and doing ok from it all.

So what is a 'TASTER DAY'??

Well, come along to one of our taster days and see the following;

  • Dipped projects
  • Dip being applied
  • Various finishes (matte / satin / gloss / pro finishes)
  • Various colours
  • See it peel
  • See a professional dip
  • Gloss Demo
  • Flat & Polish Demo
  • You can even have a go!

We give a brief overview of the following;

  • Prep
  • Cleaning
  • Masking
  • Explanation of thinners and mixes
  • Custom colours
  • Mixing / creating
  • Applying
  • Finishing
  • Cleaning Gun
  • Peeling
  • Maintaining
  • Bring as many questions as you can think of and we will answer any we can

This is a 1 day taster day.Once attended and you think you have the apptitude and skill set to take further, you can attend one of our courses on site where we do YOUR car and you learn all about it in great detail.

Remember, you won't just be watching, you will be having a go too!

Matt-Pack training day car we use
Matt-Pack training day car we use

The taster days are NOT a full training day, they are to see if this is what you can do, what you want to do. To do cars professionally is NOT easy, takes a lot of willpower, concentration and dedication. Most importantly the will to succeed and be the best. This day shows you a brief glimpse into this world to see if you want to take it further.

We will be running one of these days once a month from now on. To keep your learning to a maximum we only offer a maximum of 5 spaces per day, this gives you a better opportunity to go through everything, ask as many questions as you want and learn all you can before embarking on the great journeyt of modifying peoples cars for them.

Taster days are10am till 4pm, but depends on how long we all chat! This is YOUR chance to learn from us, we've been doing this pretty much the longest in the UK. Others learned from us then went on to do it themselves, you'll probably notice a lot of our text and descriptions on their sites too. They simply "cut & paste".

I even see others offering training also now, they came to us first. Or simply copy what we offer. We have heard through the grapevine, the PD course is a shambles and they have no idea on the products, even trying to sell other companies products behind PD's back!!!! And they are supposed to be the official PD trainer!?! Crazy!

Not only do you learn this but you get a mask included in the course (£26 worth). Not a cheap rubbish dust mask as other sellers use, a PROPER (inorganic and organic vapour protection) mask that actually protects your lungs.

So why come on a taster day? Well, dipping is easy right?! Yep, sure is, dipping a car is easy, but I have only seen a handful of people out there who can produce what I'd call a great finish. Not some of the very poor finishes people are putting out. I've had people who actually charge people to dip their cars, come to me and ask how I get so smooth. And they charge ALREADY?! If someone is paying you to do their car, they want it right, better than they could do, or what’s the point? Now is your chance to learn from the pro's. At car shows there will be plenty of dipped cars in the summer. You will be able to instantly tell difference between pro finish and a home finish. Be in the pro finish category.

Why do we do this? Well we have been painting cars for over 20 years now, we KNOW how to do it properly. We want to share our knowledge with like minded people,  and hopefully run the bodgers and cowboys out of town. Now you can learn. Magazines still come to us for advice and write ups. We're always doing another project for some magazine or other.

And to top it all, lunch at a top local pub is INCLUDED. Not a shoddy greasy spoon, but a really good place.

We even run the taster days on Saturdays to maximise your chance of fitting it in around your time or current job.Dipping cars is a great way to earn a few quid at the weekends, once you've mastered it. We will give you the basics and you can decide then if its what you wanna do.

How much is this? It’s the great value of £100.

For a whole days learning. And a FREE mask (£26)! Even a free lunch (£15)! You could waste this on a good night out easily. Whereas this might give you incentive to go onto your own business and earn a few £££. Why do this? Well we have had a few people attend the training course and decide its not for them. Thats a lot of ££ to waste, so we created these days so you dont spend a lot, learn if its for you before you embark on a proper course to learn how to be a pro.

This where we go for lunch;

Menu HERE - Most people go for the Burger, Nachos or sandwich. My fav is Sweet chile chicken nachos :)

trainees on the matt-pack one day course learning to dipyourcar
the clio we use at matt-pack one day course learning to dipyourcar
clio dipped by trainees at the matt-pack one day course learning to dipyourcar

Yep, ONLY £275
See the TRAINING tab in the shop to book

Next Dates;

Saturday 6th October - 5 SPACES LEFT


Saturday 3rd November - 5 SPACES LEFT


Saturday 1st December - 5 SPACES LEFT

All course dates may be changed without notice with / without attendees. All courses are minimum 2 people. If less than 2 people with a week still left it will be cancelled / moved. Any attendees can change date or refund if WE cancel.

See T&C for full cancellation details.

Click HERE to book

More info needed??

See the CONTACT US page or call us 01799 541928

Taster Day Bookings and Cancellations

The taster day fee is refundable depending on the amount of notice;

Over 4 weeks 100% (£100.00)

Over 2 week 50% (£50.00)

Over 5 days 30% (£33.00)

Over 3 days 20% (£20.00)

Over 1 day 10% (£10.00)

Less than 24hrs 0% (£0.00)

By booking you are accepting these terms.

The reason for this, is we have had 1 or 2 no shows and it is not fair, as we have turned people away from fully booked days. This is here so we now have a fully established clear set of rules before hand.

On Site Training

Once you have attended the Taster Day, and you feel you can do this professionally, see us about a course, where you learn it all, we do YOUR own car and you get all the info, and help to get you started off in this business. Courses are tailer made to suit you, can be any day of the week, can be at our premises, or even at your place if wanted :)

More info about this on the day. Don't worry, this is not a huge sales pitch, attending a training course afterwards is NOT mandatory, and only if YOU want to do it and think YOU can make money dipping peoples cars & wheels for them.