
Same day shipping / Next day delivery
The UK's home of peelable, sprayable paint since 2012

Ebay Feedback

Why this page? Well when people check feedback on ebay, all they look at is the negative and the neutral. The SCAM or SCUM person can leave anything they like, the seller is completely defenceless, no where to put the FACTS. Well here is that place. Bad feedback is usually tossers who didn't get their own way (usually a refund after THEIR cockup), as some sort of revenge.

Ebay is an unfair system. It lets buyer leave all sorts of feedback and slander, but it will not let sellers leave negative feedback. The buyer is allowed to lie and cheat all they want. We cannot tell the customer anything as they get 'offended' by hearing the truth. So many attempts to SCAM sellers occurs every day. Do ebay care? Nope? Cos they get their fees! They have zero interest in balance. These are the common SCAM attempts;

Change of address after purchase:

The buyer suddenly remembers they moved! They have gotten someones details and purchased, but they obviously cannot get it delivered there, so they need to change the address. Easily spotted. We will NOT send any orders to an address change, its actually ebay / paypal policy as well. We only send to the address on the paypal payent. Once we cancel and refund, you can simply re place the order with the correct address. Genuine customers do this no problem. You can tell the SCAM attempts as they don't place a new order...

Never received:

Yes we get this one a lot. People pretending they never received the parcel. Strange fact.... we use the SAME courier for our website sales as we do on eBay. Yet we can send out 100 orders on eBay and 5 or so people 'claim' to have not received. Yet we can send 500 out from website orders, using same system, same courier and maybe 1 no received claim. Strange that!?!

Of course the SCAM is easy to spot as the buyer generally requests a refund. NOT a replacement for their item... why would they do that? Unless of course they already recieved the item and just trying to get it for free....

There are many more. We will list more here one day.

The biggest issue we get on eBay is people NOT warming the aerosols up! Then blame the product for not following the instructions we provided! It's even printed on the aerosol to warm it first too. We put the information everywhere, on site, on emails, even in the box on a leaflet. Ebay made us remove the actual video from the listing as they were concerned people would buy from our website instead. Hardly surprising, as all we do on ebay is add their fees onto the price. But, if you warm the can (as we show) you will have zero issues. We use and sell the genuine USA made aerosols. The identical ones DYC sell in USA. We do NOT sell the UK made aerosols. DYC do not sell the UK aerosols either. The genuine USA made aerosols are better, spray better (warmed), cover better, lay smoother and have more rubber / pigment content. Generally people refuse to admit they didn't follow instructions, they then strangely say they 'did warm them first'. Hmm I smell something....

eBay feedback is a joke tbh. only 5% of customers leave it. And its generally the SCAMMERS or the cheapskates leave bad feedback once they get busted anyway. People who can't use an aerosol, get runs and blame the product!! :) what a joke lol.

As a result of the 'claims' from fraudsters, we installed one of the CCTV cameras above the packing desk. I can now review ALL orders, see what was packed and shipped. So I will immediately know if there is a an actual mistake, or a SCAM in process. Works superbly, note the failed SCAM below because of it.

This is where you can read the facts about some of the unfair feedback we received;


Neutral feedback ratingLooks great the first couple weeks then begins to peel off even after multiple cBuyer: During past yearFeedback conversation
  • Reply by matt-pack (23-Jul-18 13:36):
    It only 'self peels' if surface wasn't cleaned properly / not enough applied :)
Full Dip 400ml Aerosol MATTE - Peelable paint. UK PlastiDip® Distributor also (#332215795089)


Here we go, blaming the product because they didn't clean the surface properly is the number one reason. Strange how its only the ebay customers who get these issues??? Guess what, wanted money back for their mistakes.

 Result - banned from purchasing from us again.


Neutral feedback ratingMetallic effect is pretty much useless in any light,otherwise not too badBuyer: 
collectiques_out_of_devon1182Red star icon for Feedback score between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past yearFeedback conversation
  • Reply by matt-pack (27-Jul-18 07:42):
    That's why we recommend a glossifier topcoat to make the metallic 'pop'
    • Follow up by collectiques_out_of_devon (31-Jul-18 16:25):
Full Dip 400ml Aerosol METALLIC - Peelable paint. UK PlastiDip® Distributor also (#332136266126)

Duh, metallics require a gloss surface to make the metallic flake pop. This is a fact for ANY paint. People also mistake 'metallic' for 'shiny' a lot. They think that metallic makes it shiny. NO, metallic is small metallic flakes in the paint, thats all. The 'glossifier' makes it shiny.


Neutral feedback ratingReally weak spray no coverageBuyer: 
nobby165_373Blue star icon for Feedback score between 50 to 99)
During past yearFeedback conversation
  • Reply by matt-pack (17-Sep-18 10:21):
    Everyone knows the fluoros are. Designed to go over white ONLY. Says in listing.
Full Dip 400ml Aerosol MATTE - Peelable paint. UK PlastiDip® Distributor also (#332215795089)

Fluorescents.... Such a pain. No matter that in the listing it says in BIG RED writing, "100% has to go over a white base, has poor coverage and use LOTS of light coats" people still try to spray over non white bases and get full coverage in 2 coats.... I wish people would read!


Neutral feedback ratingThank u that's four cans now slow in posting themBuyer: 
seanh83581135Red star icon for Feedback score between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past 6 monthsFeedback conversation
  • Reply by matt-pack (06-Dec-18 14:32):
    Seriously? Ordered on a Saturday afternoon, shipped on Monday! How is that slow?
FullDip 400ml Aerosol MATTE - Peelable paint. Spray / Liquid Wrap / Vinyl. (#332215795089)

Ummmm... not sure what to add to this. Orders over the weekend and collected on the Monday. All perfectly acceptable. 


buster01martin1853Red star icon for Feedback score between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past 6 monthsFeedback conversation
  • Reply by matt-pack (26-Dec-18 22:12):
    Unwilling to follow the instructions. Check FeedBk they leave, serial complainer
FullDip 400ml Aerosol PEARL - Peelable paint. Liquid / Spray wrap / vinyl (#232250199930)

Another one we get... I've been a painter for 15 years.. I know what I am doing.... blah... blah... blah... Yet can't follow simple instructions and blames the product when they make a mess.... This guy is a serial complainer though. I assume goes through ebay SCAMMING sellers into getting refunds. 


Negative feedback ratingDidn’t even spray out correctly came out in lumps.Buyer:During past monthFeedback conversation
Genuine USA made PlastiDip® Aerosols - Matte Colours - Upgrade to 24hr delivery (#332386642345)£10.49

Another who can't follow instructions. Had they made contact, we could have easily fixed. But alas, there is only so many places we can leave the instructions..... another oxygen waster.


So this SCAM is becoming more popular, I won't go into details, and give people ideas! But basically, they tried to claim we only sent 2 aerosols, but I have the CCTV footage of 4 being boxed and shipped. We put a camera above the packing desk just so we can check. Occasionally things do go wrong. This helps us fix things quickly. But, it also shows up the SCAMMERS really quickly. Again as above you can tell a SCAM as they request a refund (not the items they are suposedly missing). Why are they interested in sending back 2 cans for a full refund?? Cos they only wanted 2 to start with. Then when you don't succumb to their demands, you are instantly a bad person. You can always tell cos they get aggressive, and threaten you with negative feedback. They really don't like FACTS. As shown below. Proper little snowflake scammer throwing their toys out of their pram :) :) :)

As in messages, we use 2 different boxes for a 2 can order and a 4 can order. We don't even send 2 can orders next day, only 3+. 

The bad thing with these scams is not only do they get the goods (the 2 cans they stole) they also get a refund! Its a good one for the scammer as very little risk to them. Ebay don't care cos they get their fees, paypal don't care cos they get their fees.

So everyone, be aware of this little scumbag thief. It's wankers like this that are making sellers leave ebay and amazon.

Check out their messages below. You can see the desperation and the SCAM unfolding.... (it's upside down tho, start fropm bottom)

New message from: daniel4designuk (10Yellow Star)

Like I said you're one of the most disgusting seller I have ever dealt with, you called me disgusting, I cant believe Ebay even allow such a seller like you, do business through their website. Unbelievable, I promise I will leave you the worst negative feedback. To inform other buyers. Show a little respect to your customers in the future.

Your previous message

If you wish to use correct information, you ordered (14:32) after the courier had arrived, our cut off is 1pm. So it shipped yesterday exactly as planned and arrived today exactly as planned. Exactly when ebay estimated its arrival and description in the listing. I have already reported you to ebay, and now you are abusing me and the feedback.


For your own information I should've received this item yesterday as I purchased on 10th may, honestly you're one of the most disgusting seller I have ever dealt with. I have enough proof, I cant wait to leave you a negative feedback to let other buyers know.

Your previous message

And you are accusing us of sending 2 when we shipped 4. That is also disgusting! I installed a CCTV camera above the packing desk simply because ebay customers were claiming things. Very rarely / occasionally the wrong thing gets picked, I can see it, and fix it immediately. But, on this occasion I can clearly see 4 going into that box. As I said we use different boxes for 2 cans. We also do not ship 2 cans on next day either.


Listen you make it out as if I took 2 cans out, that's disgusting. The only reason I messaged you because you clearly saying contact us if there's any issues. Don't try to accuse me for such disgusting thought you have. Will contact Ebay straightaway. No point wasting time with you. Unbelievable

Your previous message

Yes, you have sent pictures of 2 cans. We sent 4 though. I have the CCTV of 4 being sent.


Well I received 2, as you have seen in the pictures, if you wish I can return these 2 that I received for a full refund.

Your previous message

I am looking at CCTV footage of 4 going into the box, being sealed and your postcode being written on it. We sent 4. We use different boxes for 2 can orders, the box you have there, is used for 4 cans not 2. I am looking at the pick sheet and says 4, the CCTV shows that actual pick sheet being ticked for 4 cans.


Here is the pictures I took a few photos. You sent me 2, not 4.

Your previous message

hi, I've just checked and 4 were sent. please send me a picture of the packaging so I can make sure you received correct box and not labelled incorrectly.


Can you please refund me for the 2 plasti dip. I paid for 4. Thanks

Clearly the box is too big for 2 cans. Thanks why there were 4 in there.

Still only half a box. Full box was sent.

Notice the brochure is half way down the box.

So it looks like they opened the bag, then folded bag behind it.

These are the images they sent. Clearly you can see its a box for 4!

Now for the CCTV images of how the order actually left us.(all pictures have been shrunk for this page, much higher resolution on the originals)

Here you can clearly see the 4 cans. Sealed in a bag to make tamper proof. Lets see what arrives back shall we! I bet it will be cut open.

Again, the box is full and the booklet etc is at the top. Compare to the half full one they supposedly received!

Here you can see clearly the 4 can box is full

Here you can see their postcode going onto box ready for labelling. Even the paperwork shows 4 ticks, to show 4 cans were added.

Guess what ebay found in our favour :) Not surprising really. Their SCAM attempt failed. Their unfair feedback was also removed.

MC999 matt-pack, we've reversed the outcome for case 5199991896

Dear matt-pack (,

Thank you for contacting us about case 5199991896 for the following item:

332822882693 - Genuine USA made PlastiDip® Aerosols X4 - Matte Colours - Next W Day Delivery

We've reviewed your concerns and have reversed the outcome of the case. Within 48 hours, we'll credit the PayPal account used to provide reimbursement for this case.

Because we decided in your favour, this case, any feedback left, and all detailed seller ratings left, will not affect your seller performance. In addition, any feedback left for this transaction will be removed.

If you have other questions, please contact us. You can reach us by going to the eBay website and clicking "Help & Contact" in the upper right corner and then selecting "Contact eBay."




Negative feedback ratingAbsolutely rubbish paint, shocking qualityBuyer:During past month

BLACK FullDip® / PlastiDip® Aerosol - Peelable Paint | Spray Wrap | Liquid Vinyl (#333151384607)


Another poor workman blaming his tools. No word from them at all, just straight in with crappy feedback. Other idea - they're quite close to a competitor, so we suspect bought one just to leave neg feedback.After asking them what was wrong, we got no reply of course.

Result - blocked from purchasing from us again.


Negative feedback ratingPoor product chipped straight away.Buyer: During past monthFeedback conversation
BLACK FullDip® / PlastiDip® Aerosol - Peelable Paint | Spray Wrap | Liquid Vinyl (#333151384607)£19.98

Bought from us previously, same product and left positive reviews. No message or anything about issues or problems. Zero contact about this.

If it chips, there is only one reason. Not enough material! no ifs, no buts. Usually 4 cans needed for something and they buy 2 (cos they know better), then moan when doesn't do as expected!?! I give up!

We had messages from this guy telling us how happy he was with it too!


There's always a but :) we received a lot of messages from him, complaining and wanting money back etc. But, he was mailing us, for purchases from other people. He was complaining to US about other peoples items / products. So, we can only concur from this is he is a serial complainer. Buys stuff then attempts to get money back from the seller.

Result - blocked from purchasing from us again.


Negative feedback ratingPoor product chipped straight away.Buyer: During past monthFeedback conversation
BLACK FullDip® / PlastiDip® Aerosol - Peelable Paint | Spray Wrap | Liquid Vinyl (#333151384607)£19.98

Bought from us previously, same product and left positive reviews. No message or anything about issues or problems. Zero contact about this.

If it chips, there is only one reason. Not enough material! no ifs, no buts. Usually 4 cans needed for something and they buy 2 (cos they know better), then moan when doesn't do as expected!?! I give up!

We had messages from this guy telling us how happy he was with it too!


There's always a but :) we received a lot of messages from him, complaining and wanting money back etc. But, he was mailing us, for purchases from other people. He was complaining to US about other peoples items / products. So, we can only concur from this is he is a serial complainer. Buys stuff then attempts to get money back from the seller.

Result - blocked from purchasing from us again.


Buyer: p28msc (398)
Past month

Made a massive fuss cos THEY misread advert. Bought a pack of PD aeros.

 A pack in this case is 2 aerosols. Advert says buy 2 or more packs and qualifies for upgrade to next working day. 

They read it as buying 2 aerosols they are getting free upgrade. When they messaged me I re explained. They said 'wasn't clear'. I said they were the only person ever to misunderstand it. Got all stroppy saying they were 'helping' me. I said I felt no need to change the advert. Never heard for ages, then got negative!

Translated it means 'HE' didnt read it and now its my fault :):):) Muppet.

Action taken - eBay also thought unfair and removed the feedback!

Buyer: thomasboooo (85)
Past month

By MISLEADING he means HE didn't read it :). It is SO clear, there are options, the options are described in listing, so easy! Have a look yourself how easy it it! Item number is above. Seems he clicked on a spray out card, not the aerosol he wanted. Bear in mind you have to actually pick the item you want, from an £8.99 spray out colour chip to a £300+ full kit. What he really means is he picked the cheapest item, didn't read it, received exactly what he ordered, and then tried to blame everything but himself for his OWN mistake. Once reading it after realised, then tried everything to get his money back. Notice he didnt 'accidentally' pick the £300 item ;)

Action taken - eBay agreed - customer banned from further purchases from us.

Overal, people are honest. It's just a few tossers ruining it for everyone. We have sold well over 100,000 aerosols now, I'd imagine only 20,000 of them on ebay (we sell LOTS more through our website). So to get so few bad feedback is pretty good. We must be doing something right. All the other 'sellers' seem to have loads more bad feedback or are simply gone from eBay, either by their choice or eBay banned them now.